Wednesday, September 21, 2016


This month we have been looking at various ways of nurturing ourselves and others.  Recently, I began thinking about the importance of nurturing my relationship with my wife. It is so easy for life to take over and displace the deeper purpose of the relationships. There is always something to do around the house. There is always something that needs to be managed, bills to pay, chores to be done, etc. All of that is important. At the same time, it is important that we nurture the loving nature of the relationship we have with our spouse to keep it alive and growing. How do we keep the romance alive?
Romance is more than just dinner by candle light, soft music and flowers. It is about the attention and feeling we create in the relationship and bring to each other. It is about what we do to affirm our love and gratitude for the person who has come to share our life with us. Romance is about the intentional time we take away from all the things we have to do in life, to just spend quality time with the one we love. It is a time where we get to focus on each other without all the interruptions of daily life, the computer beeping, the phone ringing, etc
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