Friday, June 30, 2017


I have now spent a month reading and thinking about transformation and it seems like there are a few areas I need to continue to work on transforming in my own heart and brain. One is how I define success. There are days that I know I am successful because I am clear I am doing what I am supposed to be doing in and with my life. Then there are those moments when Zoe has to pull my head out of my ass because I feel like a failure.
Those moments seem to come when I start to evaluate my life based on the ideals of others and when I have not been giving myself my daily affirmations. I have to be intentional everyday about affirming myself. I cannot depend on anyone else to give me those affirmations. Being self-affirming has to be intentional and some days I fall back in those old habits of beating myself up instead of building myself up. Sometimes I fall, but then I get back up again and affirm myself for being able to do so.
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Transformation is not easy. However, the choice to do so in our lives is the difference between living and existing or even dying?

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Song of the Week

We all go through challenging times, but the important thing is to remember that we have the power to rise up and move through. The process leads to our ongoing transformation


Take time to love yourself and show yourself compassion. Only you can help yourself through the process of transformation. It is your season

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


re missing out on something amazing. You can use them to cook on the grill, stovetop, microwave, oven and broiler. you can also put them in the freezer, store them in the refrigerator and put them in the dishwasher. Now that we also have a slow cooker stand, you can also put start a dish off on the stove, to brown meat, and then put in the stand to slow cook all day. Then take it out of the stand and put on table to serve.
I think one of the reasons I love my Rockcrok is that it is like faith. Our faith gets us through all kinds of challenges in our life and enables us to see the light and the blessings even when we are feeling the heat that is making life challenging at the moment. Our faith, like the ceramic the Rockcroks's are made of, allows us to withstand and stay strong no matter what the heat source or the degrees of heat. Our faith gets us through.
Our faith is not anything fancy, it just is. The Rockcrok's are not much to look at, just plain black ceramic, but what you can create on them and in them is amazing. What our faith brings us through is also amazing.
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Every moment provides inspiration for transformation. It is not the moment, but what you do with that moment. Do you use it or ignore it?

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Empower yourself. Become the image of your imagination. Do what you need to do to become the person you envision yourself being.

Monday, June 26, 2017


Looking at the title of my blog for today, some of you might be thinking it looks like a mathematical formula. Let me see if I can walk us through this mathematical expression. Metamorphosis is the transformation that occurs in some animals as they move from one state of being to another, like from a caterpillar to a butterfly. Over the course of our lives, we have been in the process of our own transformation, physically and spiritually.
There is a scripture in the New Testament Book of Romans which tells us quite simply do not conform to this world, but be transformed in it by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God – what is good and acceptable and perfect. Paul’s words challenge us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.


Evolve or Revolve? The only one who can answer that question is you. You are the one who chooses whether you evolve or not. Choose wisely

Sunday, June 25, 2017


The lesson can be presented, however, if you do not practice it daily it will not take hold in your heart and become part of your daily life

Saturday, June 24, 2017


It is easier to do the transformative work on your own then to be required to do so. So volunteer. Get excited and embrace the opportunity

Friday, June 23, 2017


Stop. Pray with every cell of your being and allow yourself to experience God's transformative power in the moment.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Song of the Week

This week's song of the week reminds us to trust our instincts and follow the paths we feel called to leap and fly


You cannot fly while you are still in the process of changing. When you are strong enough and ready you will burst out and fly and soar

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Accept all of you. The good, the bad, and the ugly. The process of doing so is what will help you to grow and transform. Accept all of you.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

It's Sharing Time!

It's Sharing Time! Healing Stories   come share your healing stories with us and read others


If you cannot envision the life you want and see it, then you cannot begin to transform into your vision for yourself. See it. Become it.

Sunday, June 18, 2017


What do you do during the challenging times in your life? Do you use them as a springboard for growth or a time to fight or flee?

Saturday, June 17, 2017


Regardless of what faith tradition or belief system you have transformation is possible. You are the one who keeps yourself from growing

Friday, June 16, 2017


is your heart open or closed? You cannot begin the transformation process with a closed heart? So open it up and begin the journey.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Song of the Week

Some transformations do not happen over night. This week's song ot the week reminds  us that sometimes transformations happen over time.


Transformation starts with the simplest of changes and actions and then has a ripple effect. Making a change begins with the a single moment

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Each day is an opportunity to work on our transformation we have been given by the Divine. What are you doing with it?

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


Transformation is the action of both spiritual liberation & art. Are you working on your spiritual liberation & art of your spirituality?

Monday, June 12, 2017


What a difference an R can make. It made me think about the story I was once told about how the difference between evolving and revolving is an R. When we keep doing or believing the same thing repeatedly, then we are not evolving. It is as if we are trapped in one of those revolving doors, which we have often seen in a department store. We are just revolving through life and not evolving.
It is reassuring to remember we do not have to believe in or agree to the same things for our entire lives. As we grow and evolve, what we believe should also change. What we believe is in our minds. Those beliefs only have power over us as long as we agree that they are true and give them power in our lives. When we realize they no longer need to reside in our mind, then we can say to them, “you are no longer true” and release them from our Book of Law.
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It's Sharing Time!

What is the transformation you want to bring about in your life?


To reach the highest level of transformation, we must continue to remove the layers of walls that separate us from the Divine.

Sunday, June 11, 2017


What is stopping you from letting your light shine. Be like the song and let that little light of yours shine all over the world

Saturday, June 10, 2017


Any transformation happens because we stop talking at each other and start talking with each other, having meaningful conversations

Image may contain: 1 person, text

Friday, June 9, 2017


Thanks for the slap upside the head. I was listening to Mandy Harvey sing on America’s Got Talent. Her story about losing her hearing and how it erased her dream of being a musician. She sang this song called Try. Her lyrics really spoke to me and the changes in my life due to my back and nerve damage. She wrote, “I don't feel the way I used to The sky is grey much more than it is blue But I know one day I'll get through.”  When I lost the feeling on my right side I did not feel the way I used to, literally. I did not know how I was going to learn how to do things when I did not know where my foot was and had to learn how to think my leg into moving. There were days that I was grieving the loss of my independence. I grieved not being able to drive anymore. I grieved There were mornings I would be so frustrated and cry because I could not even put my sock or shoe on by myself. On those especially tough days I would tell myself I will get through.
Just when I thought things could not get worse, they eliminated my paratransit services, which made it possible for me to go out, have fun, and hang with friends. That bought about one more loss and one more thing to grieve. There were days that the sky was grey, so I found myself being intentional about doing things in my life to keep myself positive and making my home such an amazing place to be that nobody who came here, including myself, would want to leave. I knew this would either be my prison cell or an ashram, so I opted to transform it into an ashram.
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This is so true. To transform we must wash all that has died to make room for the newness that wants to emerge within us.

Thursday, June 8, 2017


Although not my wife’s favorite, one of my favorite foods is seafood. I have been intentionally not buying farm fed fish and seafood, choosing wild instead. When I realized that today is World Ocean Day, I found myself being grateful for the intentional choices I have been making about my own purchases of fish and seafood. Normally, when I am at the seafood market, I hear people asking about how much it costs and complaining about the prices. Sometimes I hear them ask about how to prepare something, but usually it is about the price.
One might wonder what this has to do with spirituality. For me, our approach to the environment and the sustainability of those that live in the ocean is part of my responsibility as a human and spiritual being. Like so many other aspects of our environment we tend to consume materials and foods as if there is an unending supply. In doing some research, I learned that we are consuming more seafood and fish then our oceans can produce on their own. To compensate for the demand, companies have created fish farms. These fish farms have a negative impact on the environment. Overfishing can mean that some of the seafood and fish we are able to catch today may cease to exist. Seafood Watch has come out with a list of sustainable fish[1]
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Song of the Week

This week's song of the week reminds us to look at our own lives and remember that the transformation in the world begins with us


The choice to transform means we release our attachment to that which has held us back and kept us from evolving in our lives.

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


If you are what you do and you do not like who you are, embrace a new, loving and positive behavior.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


My Bubby used to tell me when you can see the blessing in a situation then you know you will be okay.

thought for the day

Sometimes we need to silence ourselves from the noise around us so that we can see what and who it is we are being called to transform into


My wife and I have several restoration projects that have been on our things to do list for a long time, some of them years. It is not that we do not have the dream of restoring them, we just have not begun the work of doing so. As I have been thinking about the process of transformation, it dawned on me it was like getting to those projects we have not tackled yet.
The hardest part is getting started and saying today we ARE going to begin work on this project. Our friends have told us the first thing we need to do is strip all the layers of paint and coatings off of the piece we want to refinish. We need to strip it down to the bare wood. We are going to have to strip away all the years of dirt, layers of pain, varnish and anything else that might be on it. Doing so is a lot of work, so we need to really think about how seriously we want to do this. Once we start, then we have to be intentional about getting rid of all the layers and getting to the solid wood that is underneath all these layers.
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Monday, June 5, 2017


It doesn't take courage to stay where you are in your journey. It takes courage to grow, evolve, and be transformed

Saturday, June 3, 2017


It is funny how sometimes it is a comment from a total stranger that opens up a wound we thought had been healed and provides us an opportunity to take our healing to the next level. I am so grateful for those opportunities which inspire me to continue to grow and evolve.
For the most part I am a fairly positive person and remember to affirm myself on a daily basis. However, sometimes I fall off my Four Agreements wagon and take something personally. Then I have to do the work of remembering to not take something personally because it is not about me.
One of the struggles that I work on is remembering that I am not a failure, even if by other people’s standards I am.  I am grateful for the days I remember to affirm myself as I know I cannot depend on anyone other than myself to believe in me.
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Do you have the awareness and the desire to be able to transform?

Friday, June 2, 2017


Sometimes we need to silence ourselves from the noise around us so that we can see what and who it is we are being called to transform into