I always giggle when I see a McDonald’s ad that says I’m loving it. it reminds me of how powerful my words and attitude are. I am not where I can say I’m loving it about everything, but I can say I’m liking it. Whatever the weather I’m liking it. Whatever the diagnosis I’m liking it. Whether I have a job or not I’m liking it. Whether others are loving me or not I’m liking it. what I have come to know is that it is not about others attitudes it is about mine and I’m liking it. I like that I am positive. I like it that I look for the light in others. I like that I never give up. I like that I am a believer. I like that I am an achiever. I like that when I look at myself in the mirror, I can say I’m liking it. I hope you can as well.
I was a little girl when my Bubby taught me that being me meant I had to learn how to tie knots and build bridges. It meant I was always supposed to be hospitable, whether I wanted to or not. it wasn’t about being nice or kind, it was about being the one who tied knots and built bridges.
it was about me moving outside my comfort zones and helping others move beyond theirs. It was about helping start conversations between lose threads and building bridges where opposing sides could safely meet.
Your job is to tie knots and build bridges.
It is about you finding that wholeness and peace within yourself and allowing others to see and understand you have and are tying knots and building bridges in your own life.
This is why I named you Sarah Bella, she said beautiful princess. Your mission is to unify the world in your own way as only you can by tying knots and building bridges.
This song made me cry. We all need to know we belong. This song reminds me how blessed I am that my parents found me and told me I belonged to their family. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7bq62Z_cN0
There are 2 things you must do Pat Parker said in a poem, which lives with me today White people, if you want to be my friend, there are two things you must do. First, you must forget that I am black. Second, you must never forget that I am black. It is that dance between remembering and forgetting which opens us up to knowing people for who they are in a way we are not always mindful of. So who ever you are if you really want to be my friend you have to forget all the things you think you know about me you have to stop dressing me in the stories, stereotypes, and discourse about the identities you dress me in. At the same time don’t forget any of those identities because they have shaped my life and continue to do so whether I want them to or not. While all of that is who I appear to be I am more than any of that and the me that is rarely seen is the one who I am when I am alone with my private dancer. That dance is where I grow and evolve, allowing myself to become one with the one who knows my soul and teaches me how to radiate love to all as I teach them to dance with me. So if you want to be my friend really be my friend, there are three things you must do. First, forget all the identities you dress me in. Second, never forget those identities you dress me in. Finally, remember that like a dance, I am never the same person twice.
Recently someone told me If I were in your situation I would want to die. I remember saying I guess it’s a good thing I am not you. You see I have embraced my situation. I give thanks for it. I give thanks for the ways it has helped me grown. I came to realize that I can either embrace something and grow or stay hurting, angry, and frustrated. So I embrace life and grow. I work to embrace what I cannot change. I embrace the crabgrass in my life because it is easier to change my attitude then to spend energy hating what I cannot change. So I embrace that which challenges me and give thanks for the gifts
My tears they roll down my face and sometimes when I am having a good cry they moisten the ground because the pain flowing out of my heart is so power and so intense. Like the Native Americans of days gone by I leave a trail of tear. These tears are a trail that pre pare me for the future. My tears are like rain, they keep the soil most so growth can happen. My tears keep my heart moist so it never becomes hard and uncaring. My tears keep me humble and help me give thanks for all I have not had to endure in my life. My tears keep me connected to humanity and allow me to empathize with their pain. My tears enable me to give thanks to the universe for the pain and suffering without which I would not be me.
This song reminds me of something I always say. I am grateful for the storms because they help me appreciate the sun. It is the challenges that remind us to appreciate the other side. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h-5quw8sm4
It’s not a luxury, Audre Lorde once wrote. It’s not. I truly get it. I know what it’s like to have words which are fighting to come out and speak their truth, tell their story, and ask to be heard, and honored respected, and understood. Being heard is not a luxury. It is something we all want, even if others do not understand, we want to be heard, to be recognized, even if others recognize our truths as different. Poetry is a way of singing. It is a way of sharing our heart, our deepest thoughts, and the truth we know from our relationship with the one who loves us and knows us in a way only poetry can communicate.