Sunday, July 12, 2020


Darkness and light,
they are not as separate
as we would want them to be.
It seems like each step
I take towards the light,
I see a bit more of the darkness.
With each step I move forward
I am confronted by that which
I need to let go of.
it is like a dance with the partner
I want to be with
and the shadows that live within me.
I tell myself I can do this
and the shadows surface and
remind me all I need to let go of
the self doubt,
the fear of being abandoned,
the voices saying I am not enough
and then the light speaks to me
and reminds I can do this
and I will never be alone
and I have everything I need
to achieve my dreams
I just need to believe.
So I focus on
believing and achieving
and know that I am not alone
in having to find the courage
to battle my darkness.
In the process,
I give thanks for the darkness
because it brings me
closer to the light.

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